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Camila Leiva, aka MITA.

I am a muralist, painter and comic artist. I was born in Santiago, Chile during the final years of the military dictatorship and am currently based in Minneapolis, MN. I am the daughter of a Minnesotan mother and a Chilean father who were both part of the resistance movement. My family was directly impacted by exile and political persecution. My work unearths family histories and their continued impact on my life, in order to find belonging in my displacement and to connect to the generation of Chileans that are also unearthing their own family histories.

Drawing a line between past and present, I seek to make visible the lives of women currently facing violence rooted in racism and sexism, but who are also using their agency to resist. I paint bold portraits using saturated colors and create short comics using watercolor, gouache, ink and digital art. My work is done as an urgent response, as a need to disseminate and make known the faces and experiences of Latin American women.

I understand my art-making as a tool of denunciation but also of community-building. I am greatly influenced by the long history of political muralism in Chile, including the Ramona Parra Brigade as well as Violeta Parra, the prolific visual artist and musician.


Soy una muralista, pintora y artista de comics. Nací en Santiago de Chile durante los últimos años de la dictadura militar y actualmente vivo en Minneapolis, Minnesota (EEUU). Soy la hija de una madre minnesotana y de un padre chileno, quienes ambos fueron parte del movimiento de resistencia a la dictadura. Mi familia vivió la persecución política y el exilio. Mi trabajo busca desenterrar mis historias familiares y su impacto hasta el día de hoy en mi vida, como manera de encontrar un sentido de pertenencia dentro del destierro y para conectarme con otrxs Chilenxs y con personas de todo el mundo que a través del arte están procesando y entendiendo que signfican el destierro, la memoria, la identidad y el trabajo político en sus propias vidas.